Sunday, March 9, 2008

Simple steps to simplify your life – a series

What has modern living and the technology that has come with it brought us? Bigger homes, fancier cars, the ability to watch movies, make fun calls, check e-mail and play video games anywhere and everywhere. It has also brought us more stress. We get so wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of our lives, that we forget about what is truly important in life. The purpose of this section is to provide simple, gentle and realistic steps in creating more balance, harmony, love, clarity and peace in your life. Happy reading☺

Unclutter your life – Spring clean your house and your mind. Evaluate your life, relationships, friendships and connections. Determine what is healthy for your heart and what you need to eliminate. Write down your goals both long and short term. Be sure to make your goals as specific as possible. You also need to set dates to achieve each step.

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